welcome to my neocities site, my only pride in life

my name is scout i'm 15 years old and i essentially live here on the internet. this is my bedroom. twitter is my living room and discord is where i do my laundry

i am doggender my existence is closely tied to dogs and i like to pretend to be one. i like to be referred to by dog/dogself neopronouns mostly but im also very much ok with it/itself and he/him

i am gay and looking for a boyfriend(!!!!)

i have autism spectrum disorder and possibly comorbid with depression and some type of anxiety disorder and i'm very funky and mentally insane

i was born and currently live in poland and i do not like it here (help.)

i'm a furry and i have a couple fursonas and i plan to make a subpage about them here eventually :]

i love MUSIC and MOVIES and DOGS and CERTAIN GAMES and TV SHOWS and i can talk about them all day

site's really barebones at the moment ig. i'm still getting the hang of html and css and stuff. it'll become better looking!!! eventually!!!